Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Road Work
Don't you just hate road work? You know it is something that has to be done but you hate when it happens on the roads you drive.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Sleep Aids
If my memory serves me right, didn't they say that Judy Garland would be on pills to stay awake and pills to go to sleep? Well, I'm her. I need my caffine during the day and my sleep aid pills at night. I hate to take pills but BOY I feel great when I wake up after a good night sleep. Maybe its not a good night sleep because I used the pills but it sure feel like it.
Friday, October 31, 2008
High School Soccer
My son plays youth soccer on a "Club" team. Next year he will be in High School. We have watched some of the games this year and have found it to be an inferior product to the club game. It is a far cry from "Proper" soccer. I'm not looking forward to 4 years of watching it. It will just be one more reason to look forward to spring time when he will play on his club team.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Everybody always says that I should have plenty of time because of my job. Do you ever stop to think how much time it takes each day just to take care of yourself. Food, health, sleep, daily hygiene, cleaning up after yourself, ect. You don't have as much time as you think in a day.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Nothing to do is the greatest feeling. You get a relaxed, tranquil feeling that sweeps through your body. The sad thing is that it almost never happens.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Catalog meat
My family LOVES to eat steak. When I make tenderloin my husband calls it "catalog meat". This is the signal to me to make sure that I don't invite anyone over to eat so he can have the bulk of the steak.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Washable markers
As a parent we all know that our children love to color with markers on paper, walls, themselves. it's great that there are washable markers to help us clean up easier after them.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Movies In The Mail
How can you not love getting your movies in the mail? Regardless of who your using for this, it is the most convenient thing since the microwave.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Vaseline Intensive Care Healthy Hands & Nails
Because I work with children I am constantly washing my hands. They get very dry and cracked. I tried many lotions and the one I found to work the best was Vaseline Intensive Care Healthy Hands & Nails. It keeps my hands soft and crack free.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Scary Movies
What a great way to get the heart going without anything really scary happening. If you like to be scared but know that you are safe this is the way to do it.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
With all the cold everyone is getting I was worried the one of these days I was going to get one and get it bad. I was right. I started getting sick and someone told me about Zicam. Talk about what a difference it made. The cold didn't last long and I was better in a few days.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Home made cookies
What a great way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon then to make cookies with the kids. It keeps the kids busy and you get a tasty treat from all the baking.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Tv phones
Cell phones with TV feature is great. Whenever I have to wait when picking up my kids, I can watch something in the car. Live TV !
Friday, March 28, 2008
Solid Brass Bullfrog Faucet
The Bullfrog Faucet is handcrafted in solid brass and
finished with a polished verdigris patina. This faucet
comes packaged in a unique gift box, with installation
instructions printed on the outside.
The solid brass faucet makes a great housewarming gift,
and really dresses up your outdoor spigot.
finished with a polished verdigris patina. This faucet
comes packaged in a unique gift box, with installation
instructions printed on the outside.
The solid brass faucet makes a great housewarming gift,
and really dresses up your outdoor spigot.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Isn't it great to recieve flowers at work from that special person for no reason at all. It lets you know that someone is thinking of you.
Monday, March 17, 2008
When your kids can drive
Ok, your thinking, whats so good about your kids being able to drive? It's stress on you and sleepless nights. Well, look at the bright side. If your still the kind of person that wants to go out and party it up, you have a free taxi ride. You just have to make sure you don't look and act to hammered, as it wouldn't be good in front of your kid.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Liquid paper pens
I hate when I have to correct mistakes with plain old liquid paper. I doesn't dry fast enough and sometimes when it gets old it gets clumpy and then it makes my corrections look messy. Then I found liquid paper pens. It goes on dry, not clumpy and I can make my corrections faster. What a great product.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Going out to lunch
I love when I'm having a crazy day at work and someone comes up to me and says "lets go to lunch". What a great way to break up the day and get away from the chaos.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Girl Scout Cookies
It's that time of year again when the girl scouts are out selling cookies. What a great way to end you day with a cold glass of milk and a box of thin mints.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
The Internet
Greatest thing to ever come along... WWW. Anything you need to know is right there at your finger tips. I can't even remember how we did it 20 years ago.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Whole grain pretzles
If you haven't tried Herr's Whole Grain Pretzels you don't know what you're missing they are the best pretzels you have ever tasted.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I get terrible migrains all the time and they seem to hit when I'm at work (go figure). I can't take a pain killer while I'm there so to take the edge off I take Excedrin. It helps a little so I can drive home.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Wine Rack

I bought this great wine rack the other day. I couldn't beat the price at 29.00
I found it at Soy Candles Plus More.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
OMG! The weather can"t make up it's mind on wether to be warm or cold. When you get a taste of warm weather all you can think about is "come on spring'.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Hamburger Helper
I love Hamburger Helper. It is fast, easy and has two major food groups. What more can you ask.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentines Day
This is the perfect chance for everyone to remember and appreciate the ones that you love.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Anti-bacterial hand gel
With the crazy weather that we seem to be having this winter it seems like there are a lot of virus going around. At work it at least 3-5 people are calling out sick so this year I have been very dilagent about using anti-bacterial gel and haven't gotten sick yet.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
If you ever are in the mood for good Bar B Que the place to go is Damons. The meat fall off the ribs and the sauce is to die for. Also they make the best sweet potato casserole you have ever tasted.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Coffee does the trick most of the time but when you are at lunch with that big cheese steak and chips, nothing is better that a Coke.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
I don't know about you but I don't have enough time to watch all the TV shows that I like in the evening. I heard about DVR and started recording all my favorite shows. Now I can get them all in by zooming past all the commercials.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Whats better then waking up on a cold morning and having a hot cup of coffee. I can't think of anything better then to get my day started. The smell, the taste, and the warmth are enough to get me through the first couple hours of my day.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Fantasy Football
I love fantasy football. It puts your money were your mouth is. You talk all the time about what a team should or shouldn't do and this lets you do that with a team of your own. It makes the games more interesting and help you forget about your favorite teams losing streak.
Fantasy Football
I love fantasy football. It puts your money were your mouth is. You talk all the time about what a team should or shouldn't do and this lets you do that with a team of your own. It makes the games more interesting and help you forget about your favorite teams losing streak.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Internet Poker
I find it entertaining to sit back on a low $ table and play Texas Holdem. The Chat is funnier than anything else.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Do you ever feel you need to get out and excersise but the weather isn't cooperating? Then the YMCA is for you. I am so glad that I went to go check it out one day. They have a great fitness center plus wonderful class that you can join like step, yoga, Pilate's and swimming. Also they have a verity of children classes that you can put your children while you work out like dance, art, sciences and swim lessons. So don't let the weather make you a couch potato go to the YMCA and have some fun.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The TV show. Friends had to of been one of the best 30 min. sit coms every. It is a shame that shows have to stop. I'm sure the writers run out of story lines, so I guess we have to be happy they have re-runs.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
TV cell phones
Tell you what, it is great to have a TV cell phone when you have kids. I don't have that fancy TV in the minivan. Heck, I don't have a mini van but I have this great new TV phone and the little ones can watch SpongeBob instead of crying the whole ride. Cool Stuff !!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Five Guys Burgers
YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!! Have you ever had a Five Guys Burger? If you have then you know that they have the best burgers and french fries in the world. The burgers are cooked to your liking with so many different toppings that you can go and a have a different kind of burger every day for a year. Oh and the french fries are cooked like beach fries and you don't just ketsup on them, you put on vinegar. Try them your mouth will love you for it.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Soccer Mom 2
Sorry about the last post. I know I was supposed to tell about the things I like but instead I decided to rant and rave. I actually like being a soccer Mom. My son really enjoys playing the game and I love to watch how he has developed over the years. I wouldn't give it up for anything.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Soccer Mom
Kids can't just go have fun anymore playing sports. It is big business now. I spent the last 4 days driving my 13 year old son around for soccer. He's tired, I'm tired.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The most valuable invention ever created was the pizza! To be able to put all your favorite food on one round disk of dough is genius. You can make it for breakfast with bacon ,sausage,onion and egg. For lunch you put on pepperoni, sweet peppers, and extra cheese. Than for dinner you can go crazy and use the toppings of ham and pineapple. And to top off the perfect day you can make a dessert pie of chocolate, marshmallows and nuts. How perfect can any invention be.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Crock Pots
As a working mother and wife there are days that trying to get home and try to get together a nutritious meal can be close to impossible. I then remembered that my mom would use a crock pot on days that she was very busy. The dinners that she made back in the 70's weren't very good but gave her more time for the things she needed to do. So i started looking for cook books and found that there are a lot for the crock pot. I was so thrilled that I started to try a few recipes and found that most were very delicious. So not not only do I have a wonderful meal for my family I also have more time to spend with them.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Sleeping Babies
I work with children and infants and OMG! can they be loud. I can have up to 52 children at one time and the noise level can really get up there. But when nap time comes and all the babies are asleep I feel like I was just handed a little piece of heaven. No matter how crazy these children can get, when you see thier little sleeping faces you know all is right with the world.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I love Harrah's. It is so easy to get a free room in A.C. You get one of those Gold Cards and play on the slots for just a little while and bang your getting comps.
Monday, January 14, 2008
T.O. Crying
If your a fan of any team other than Dallas, you had to of loved the after game press conference. T.O. was in tears. Was it real. Heck, he probably put pieces of onion up his nose and behind the sun glasses. Best slam I've heard in a long time...... "We hope T.O. has his popcorn ready," Strahan told reporters. "Maybe he and Crayton can sit in his home theater and watch."
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