Thursday, March 19, 2009


What is the deal with people having to slow down and look at an accident? You want to see accidents, watch the news! Stop slowing down my drive for your lame curiosity.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Since my Blog is titled "Things I like", I thought I'd accually tell you something I like. Coca-Cola is terrible for the human body but I love it. Sorry to say that but nothing tastes better at lunch when you have that great big sub and a bag of chip than a Coke. Of course the sub and chips are also bad for you but oh-well. Are you old enough to remember the saying "have a coke and a smile"

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Sucks

Well it snowed in De. today. Cleaning cars, driveways, sidewalks, driving kids to sledding all sucks.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


We are about to get our first real snow storm in the Delaware area. The kids are excited but I am not. My back already hurts just thinking about having to shovel.