Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Clean House

I know it doesn't happen as often as I would like but I find a clean house very satisfying. It makes me feel like I accomplished something important. It just takes so darn long to do it in one day. I can clean the first floor in a day then save the rest for the next day. The only problem is that it doesn't have that same feeling of clean. Bummer. I guess I will just have to hire cleaning people to do it for me. LOL

Monday, September 12, 2011

Words With Friends

I love keeping my mind sharp. My favorite way of doing this is by playing Words With Friends. I have about 20 games going at one time. I know this sounds like a lot but I have a friend that does 40 games. It is so much fun when I think I am making up words and they end up being real words. Also I love beating my friends. What a great game.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Lakeside Collection

I just recieved The Lakeside Collection in the mail. I really like this magazine. It has some really great ideas for amazing gifts. I also found some great ideas for the home. You really need to check out the website

Friday, September 2, 2011


The YMCA is one of the best places for familes to go. In this econamy it is one of the best values. There are classes for adults and children to take. There are also familiy nights, camping under the stars, Healthy Kids Day and the new Wellness center where your kids can work out the same time you are.