Monday, April 25, 2011

Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen Degeneres is my favoite comedian. She is very funny and insightful with her dry sense of comedic wit. Her show is wonderful and has the best guests. She is truly someone I wish I could get to know.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Breakfast Candy

I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never ever let him forget he's a man. BACON!!!! My husband calls it breakfast candy. It makes him very happy when he comes in the house and smell me cooking it. He can eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner. I love it because it can be used in any dish. I know everything in moderation and I really try to do this but YUMMMM it can't help but it. It's wonderful.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Oh how I love Blockbuster. For a minimal fee I get to see as many movies that I want. You can have as many as three movies at a time. Every time I finish one I just send it back, postage paid envelope by blockbuster, and they send me a new one. For all you movie buffs this is the thing to do.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Now that the weather is finally turning warmer it has given me the itch to spring clean. I don't like doing it but it is something that has to be done.

I think the first thing I will start with is clothes. I will get the family to go through their winter clothes and see what they didn't wear and get rid of the unused clothes.

Next comes the spring/summer clothes. These are the worst to go through. Trying them on after a long cold winter can be very daunting. Did I put on weight or not? Ugh!

Well I guess it's time to get in there and get to work. Goodwill here I come.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Time For Pool Work

It’s time to start getting my pool ready for the summer. The kids are already asking me when it will be ready for swim. So I started my yearly search on the web for my Pool Supplies.

This year I was thinking of adding some Gorilla Floor Padding under my liner. It will feel so much better on our feet when jumping for those volleyballs.

As I stare out my window at the Winter Pool Cover, I can see that I will need to purchase one of these again. It is just one of those things that are necessary to buy every 3 years in order for the pool to look its best when I reopen it

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Mmmmmm Coffee. Oh how I love my morning coffee. The first cup is the best. I don't have any special brand the I like best, however, I do need to put in flavored creamer. Any flavor will do. Also I like my afternoon coffee and my evening coffee. Coffee, coffee ,coffee! Have I said it to many times? Yummmmmm!